Introduction to the Newest Test Equipment used our HDMI Lab: M41h

Recently, one of our newest equipment, M41h, arrived at our HDMI laboratory. M41h, also known as Quantum Data M41h, is a video analyzer and a video generator that can be used in a wide range of tests, including HDMI Compliance Testing.

External appearance aside, most of the features and functions of this test equipment are comparable to the Quantum Data 980, which is also manufactured by the same company. Note, however, that when using the Quantum Data 980, it’s important to prepare the required modules beforehand. Modules can be acquired separately and can be replaced separately, as well. The image on the left shows the Quantum Data M41h and on the right shows the Quantum Data 980.


The Quantum Data M41h has a total of three HDMI ports, two output ports, and an input port. Not only can it be used as an entry-level functional tester but can also be upgraded to a fully functional compliance tester. However, licenses are required when using the test solutions software. Some of the tests you can implement using this test equipment are as follows:

・HDMI 1.4 Compliance Testing
 This equipment is capable of testing both HDMI Sinks and HDMI Sources with total bandwidths up to 10.2Gbps. Functions that can aid in the said testing include protocol analysis, video generation, and EDID analysis, as well.

・HDMI 2.1 Compliance Testing
 This equipment is capable of testing both HDMI Sinks and HDMI Sources with total bandwidths up to 48Gbps. Aside from the general resolutions covered by HDMI 2.1, the equipment is also capable of analyzing and generating resolutions that use Fixed Rate Link (FRL) technology and Display Stream Compression (DSC) algorithm.

Apart from the wide variety of tests, the equipment can provide, it also has functions that can be used for debugging problems encountered while testing. Some of these functions are as follows:

・Capture Control
 This is generally used for protocol analysis during compliance testing. However, it can also be used without test automation. This function allows the tester to capture and analyze the outputs of HDMI sources. The analyzed output is then presented as decoded events which can be filtered depending on which information is needed. This function also provides a way to plot the captured contents which is, again, easily selectable and fully dependent on the information needed.

 This is generally used for video generation during compliance testing. However, it can also be used without test automation. This function allows the tester to select from a variety of images depending on what is required. It also allows the image to be generated with different resolutions, color formats, and color depth. As previously mentioned, it is not only capable of generating general HDMI resolutions but also capable of generating FRL and DSC resolutions, as well.

The Quantum Data 980, which has been continuously used even before for HDMI compliance testing, also possesses the features and functions mentioned above. However, when used with the right accessories the Quantum Data M41h becomes more compact and portable, which allows for more comfortable and efficient testing.

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